Have questions?

We got answers!

What is an Easy Access™️ Clinic?

We know accessing Prenatal and postpartum care for you and your newborn can be

difficult at times. We are here to give you good, comprehensive care, at a reasonable cost.

The Easy Access Model of care is part of the The JJ Way. They have an incredible program in Florida which has statistically improved local maternal and infant outcomes.


What does an an appointment entail?

Education, face to face time with a provider, comprehensive prenatal care, community resources, we equip you to labor, and deliver in the best way possible. We will also help you advocate for yourself in the hospital.

Where will I deliver my baby?
Whichever hospital you choose. We will keep detailed records of every prenatal visit, and fax them over when you let us know you are in labor. Your hospital will have instant access to every appointment, lab value, ultrasound etc… done in our care.

What does my postpartum care look like?

You will notify us when you are discharged from the hospital. At 2 days after you are discharged we will come to your home to check on you and your baby. ( You need your rest, so no need to come into the clinic.) We will do all the screenings on your baby that the pediatrician would do. Bonus, we will check out your vital signs and wellbeing as well.

At 2 weeks and 6 weeks you will come in the clinic and we will again check on baby and you! We will do the metabolic screening on your baby at the 2 week mark.

Why choose the midwifery model of care over traditional OB clinic?

●  Easier access to your provider

●  Longer face to face time with your provider.

●  Still receiving comprehensive care from a licensed care provider.

●  We have an open phone line available to you, at all times.

●  We come to you for the 2 day visit once you are discharged! Traditionally you have to drag you and your baby out of the house after just two days to make this visit. We care about mom and baby! So we see both of you at this two day visit!

Who is eligible for Easy Access care appointments?

●  Low risk Pregnant mommas

●  Mom’s that are tired of fighting to get a prenatal appointments at a decent time.

●  Mom’s who are looking for support during and after their pregnancy, with good education, and empowerment.

How much does it cost?

●  $120 per visit * Does not cover any hospital costs.

●  Labs are paid in addition, but at a very reasonable cost.

●  $75 additional cost for after hours visit, on top of the cost of a typical visit.

●  $25 for phone triage, or zoom triage visits. Please note, it may still be recommended to come into the office for an after hours fee.

Are labs and Ultrasounds included?

●  Labs are offered at an extremely discounted cost.

●  Ultrasounds are referred to a couple of local ultrasound providers in the area. You would be responsible for this fee.


Office => (254) 323-5067


4400-3 E Central Texas Expy

Suite D
Killeen, TX 76543